2016년 12월 13일 화요일

Nana’s Plastic Surgery Real Review (Double embedding Non-incision eyelid surgery)

Nana’s Plastic Surgery Real Review

(Double embedding Non-incision eyelid surgery)

I made a record of every single think before and after surgery,
And I would like to share my plastic history with you all!!

Here is my before and After photo first!

Before/ After 

How do I look? I changed pretty much, right?
Here is the process how I changed this much!

The day of the surgery ~~^-^

What I need after surgery!
I ordered pumpkin juice online, but it wasn’t delivered yet, so I bought real pumpkin instead and steamed the pumpkin!

1 day after surgery 

I took the tape off on my upper eyelid and took very first photo!
I am more swelled on the left, right?

But I love the eyelid line!! >//<
I liked the naturalness, so I requested for In-line fold.
But Dr.Park Sunjae suggested in/out line fold,
And of course, I followed what doctor suggested, and the result is just fantastic!

5 days after surgery 

Stitch-out was a bit painful, stinging.
But it was finished within less than5 minutes!
I think my swelling is subsiding much faster after stitch-out!

8 days after surgery 

I have swellings in the morning time, but it goes away in the afternoon~

My dad checks my eye condition every morning when he wakes up, haha
He said I look prettier every day~~ *-*

10 days after surgery

There’s no more bruise, and even with my eyes closed,
The scar is not much visible~
I recovered pretty fast!!

I had a day when I cried over night.
And when I woke up in the next morning, I was so swelled,
More than the day after surgery..
But it was okay after some time, and I looked okay in the evening ^^

I had little gathering in the evening, so I just drew the eyelid line, and it looks a bit awkward with my method used before surgery.

As my eyes look brighter without make-up, my make-up is getting lighter~

3 weeks after surgery 

I do go out a lot, and it helps on swelling subsidence.
I look natural with make-ups too!

My friends disagreed when I decided to get surgery done, but now, they say I look better than before! Haha
Until this time, I tried not to stimulate eyelid area with heavy make-ups~

1 month after surgery

Wow it’s been 1 month already!>.<
What we called ‘sausage line’ is gone!!!
I used to eat low-sodium food for less swelling, and now I eat like before surgery.
But I did take pumpkin soup regularly!
Comparison with 1 day after surgery and today!
It look sooooo different!!

50 days after surgery 

It is sooo natural like mine!!!
I took this photo in Jeju Island !
I had black port BBQ a lot last night, so I am swelled.
But my selfie will go on~~

2 and half month after surgery 

It is sooo natural like mine!!!
I took this photo in Jeju Island !
I had black port BBQ a lot last night, so I am swelled.
But my selfie will go on~~

2 and half month after surgery 
 Before/ After

This is Last comparison!
My result is really natural !
Dr.Park also said mine looks good and natural~
My plastic surgery was Success!!

I’m now so used to my eyes~

As I get confident from double eyelid, everything is going well^^

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