2017년 8월 30일 수요일

Trouble on Face, Cheekbones!

Trouble on Face, Cheekbones!

Cheekbones are placed under-eye and mid-face.
It’s important since its location and size feed into the shape of face!

Not too much protruded nor indented cheekbones
help us look younger and make our shape pretty.

However, too much grown and protruded cheekbones
give older greedy images as well as masculine look…

Cheekbones are placed
in the middle of face,
under the frontal bone,
above the upper jawbone,
and in front of a temporal bone.


There are a lot of case of much-developed cases of cheekbones
as much-developed face structure,
and most of faces with big square jaw have big cheekbones, too.


That’s why people also get cheekbone reduction surgery
when they originally planned to get square jaw reduction at once.


However, It could be a big problem of making cheekbones more evident
if you only progress square jaw reduction
not considering the overall face shape.


Perfect Cheekbones


Cheekbones are welcomed
if placed on right area with moderate volume.

The ideal cheekbones make dimensional look from the front,
and smooth v-line on profile.


There will be bright apple zone
if enough-protruded cheekbones glint making dimensional face
which look far smaller.


The secret of small faces of celebrities are cheekbones!

And we have to focus on this: ugly cheekbones
Or both!

It looks stubborn at the front side,
and gives uneven profile line.
In the opposite,
too flat cheekbones also have depressed and older images.
Flat cheekbones can be improved through as filler!
However, much grown cheekbones should be smallerized
for smooth faceline!!
The solution is Cheekbone reduction
which makes smooth face line and small face.

The surgical ways of cheekbone reduction varies
by the direction of protruded area.

Just a little bit of protrusion can be fixed by shaving,
but not for a lot grown one.

If the standard cheekbone reduction was to shave,
the state-of-the-art way is with minimum incision
with far exquisite skills using three dimensions.


3D cheekbones reduction is to incise a little bit inside the mouth
and reduce side part of cheekbones,
and this was impossible with previous non-incisional method.
There would be less concern about scars
and it brings more natural result
since surgery is on track of minuteness
watching at the surgery area through incision.
If front side of cheeks is flat,
protruded cheekbone is broken and moved forwards
making side cheekbones smaller and smoother
and putting more volume under eyes.
Size down on protruded area,
and size up on flat area!
The important thing is,
that its possible only by experts who are specialized
both on designing and surgical skills!!

Older look and masculine impressions
If you cannot hide these, then remove them!

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