2018년 3월 12일 월요일

Things to know before Hair Transplantation

Things to know before Hair Transplantation

Wouldn’t transplanted hair be lost?

Back or side hair of male is not affected by hair loss.
It's not just transplanting the hair but the hair follicles as well.
Even if the hair follicle is moved to another location,
it retains its inherent genetic characteristics because it has the same lifespan
as when it was in its original position, so hair loss would not occur.

The reason for this is not clear yet, but it is said that the back and side hair
of the human body are different from the front hair or crown scalp
However, female hair loss is different. Most of the time, it is limited to the crown,
but in some cases there is a person who goes down to the back or side head as well.
At this time, you must be careful with hair loss on hair transplant as well.

Is hair transplantation effective?

The more closely transplanted, the higher the density gets,
and the smaller the transplant range becomes.
It is not advisable to increase the density too much in one part
to save the necessary hair for later.
If hair with normal thickness is more than 50% of original density,
hair loss is not easily distinguished.
Not exceeding 50 to 70 per square centimeter is recommended.

If hair is no more lost and the transplantation area is not wide,
it can be planted at a higher density.
When trying to reduce the forehead area rather than the improving the hair loss,
the density is increased as much as possible.
However, the effect of transplantation is not merely to see whether hair density is good,
but rather to judge the effect of covering the scalp after it has been styled.

Do you want to lower the hairline as much as possible?
You might have immediate desire to reduce it as much as possible
because the forehead is too wide.
However, you may regret it later if the forehead is too narrow
as the area to be transplanted is widened and the density drops.
Therefore, it’s important to consult with the experts
to determine a new hairline that is natural and suitable for the entire face.

When is the best time for hair transplant?

It’s recommended to have the most appropriate period of surgery
considering all factors such as current hair loss status,
predicted future hair loss progress, drug resistance, treatment response to drugs,
stress due to hair loss, and personal plans for the future
If the patient is too young or has very small area for hair transplant,
the surgery is recommended to kept as plan B.

How many hair follicles have to be transplanted?

When a new hairline is determined, the area to be transplanted comes up.
Based on this area, the number of hair to be transplanted is determined.
If progressing the hair line correction not because of the hair loss,
the transplantation density is calculated high
to be as close as possible to the normal density.

How many times can I have hair transplantation?

If the hair loss is stopped and the area is not wide,
single time operation would be enough.
However, if wide, the operation should be repeated several times.
Usually one year after the operation, the flexibility of the scalp part is recovered at some point.
It depends on the procedure and it is usually possible to do up to 3 times or more,
according to the procedure. If the hair loss still continues after the transplant,
appropriate additional surgery would be needed.

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