2018년 3월 29일 목요일

Breast Capsular Contracture

Breast Capsular Contracture

If something other than a part of our body such as a foreign body
or a medical device is inserted into the body,
it reacts immediately in our body and forms a tissue membrane around it!
Like that, the implants used in breast augmentation surgery
are also inserting substances that do not exist in our bodies!
That's why our body reacts by pushing the implant.
At that moment, our body recognizes the implant as a foreign body
and a solid membrane wraps around it!

Usually people do not have any problems with Breast Augmentation surgery
because the membranes around the implants are normally formed.
However, if solid membrane contracts or be hardened,
makes the implant over weigh and feel very tight,
and the implant may be displaced or deformed in some cases.
This is called Capsular Contracture.

Once a capsular contracture occurs, the enlarged breasts are hard, not soft.
Usually you would feel something hard like touching a baseball
when you touch your breast after Breast augmentation surgery!
This is the biggest side effect of breast surgery.
The capsular contracture usually occurs depending on the patient's condition
and unfortunately there is no way to predict this issue before the surgery.
However, since people with capsular contractures are rare,
most people are happy to have the surgery. Let's relax!

You might need to remove the implant if the capsular contracture gets severe,
but at the beginning, it can be significantly reduced by following doctor's instructions
and working hard on the breast massage!

It is said that there is a hope that there is almost no hardening on the breast
when you do massage by grabbing the breast and touch it smoothly
for 15 to 30 minutes every day for 6 months or more.

So, what caused capsular contracture?
1. Hematoma case
2. Necrotic tissue
3. Body reaction toward silicone
4. Infection due to bacteria
5. Body type / Stimulation

In the end, if you know your doctor's expertise, the surgical technique, environment,
and your body shape, then you can prevent the capsular contracture!
Also, nowadays, you don’t have to worry about the capsular contracture
as they prescribe medicine to prevent capsular contracture
when you have Breast Augmentation surgery!


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Whats App: +82-10-2273-6508
Line ID: banobagiid

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