2019년 11월 12일 화요일

Transconjunctival Fat Redistribution, pay attention to the orbital septum to the elasticity for basic solution

- Transconjunctival Fat Redistribution -
pay attention to the orbital septum
to the elasticity for basic solution

Eyes is the first area that you and other people see.
It's also a big part of your image. However, if fat is bulging under your eyes,
you may look old and look grumpy.
As dry and chilly weather continues these days,
skin elasticity under the eyes drops.

Most of the fat under the eyes is a natural phenomenon caused by aging,
but lately, it occurs in the 20s and 30s due to stress, overtime, and studying.
Especially, with the recent importance on anti-aging,
there has been a growing interest in Transconjunctival Fat Redistribution,
which improves the area under the eye.

Transconjunctival Fat Redistribution is primarily a way to improve
the appearance of excess fat under the eyes or the sunken area under the eyes
or where the blood vessels appearance and makes the eyes looks tired.
The protruding fat under the eyes is caused by the lack of support
of the orbital septum(the thin layer that surrounds the fat under the eyes)
that supports the fat under the eyes as it ages. It may also acquired by living habits.
If you have fat under your eyes, it may gives you dark circle looking under eye
and giving the dark impression.

Previously, if the under eye looks protruded, Under eye fat removal surgery
was used to remove the protruding parts.
On the way, if the under eyes looks sunken,
the method of individual fat grafting was used.
The recent trend has been improved to reduce the bulge through
Transconjunctival Fat Redistribution to fill the sunken areas to make them more smoother.

If you simply remove the fat under your eyes,
fats near the removed area may also be lost over time,
causing your eyes to look sunken suddenly.
In addition, when the fat from other parts such as thighs or buttocks
is transferred to the sunken area under the eyes,
the engraftment rate (the rate which the tissue sticks to other tissues)
is not high because autologous fats have different tissue properties
and frequently move muscles.

Transconjunctival Fat Redistribution is a surgical procedure
where a small incision is made in the under eye lashes line,
pulls and relocates the adipose tissue according to the shape of the individual eye.
Since the weakened orbital septum is the biggest problem, the most important thing
is to maintain the shape by pulling the orbital septum for a fundamental solution.
This will help smooth out bumpy skin and improve wrinkles
and dark circles under the eyes.

Above all, knowing Transconjunctival Fat Redistribution anatomy
and clinical experience of the eye is important.
Since the target of surgery varies depending on the type of fat under the eyes
of the individual, it is essential to consult a specialist who will perform the surgery.

Advised by : Dr. Noh Yongjoon ( BANOBAGI Clinic )

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