2019년 10월 3일 목요일

Tummy Tuck Tips : Everything You Should Know

Let’s face it, nearly everyone wants to have a flat, smooth stomach. The abdominal area can be one of the hardest spots to lose excess weight. It doesn’t matter how many sit-ups we do, nothing seems to help. After the skin is stretched,  or after a great deal of weight is lost, you can be left with a saggy, unattractive appearance. This, of course, can make you feel self-conscious.
Electing to undergo a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is one of the best ways to combat excess stomach fat. Not only does the procedure remove unwanted fat and tighten the skin, but it also actually tightens the abdominal muscles as well. Before undergoing the procedure, there are few tummy tuck tips that you should be aware of.

Top Tummy Tuck Tips

  • Review Your Overall Health: Talk with your doctor before undergoing any kind of plastic surgery. You need to be aware of any potential health risks. For instance, if a woman plans on getting pregnant, a tummy tuck is not recommended.  Bad candidates of a tummy tuck have a  BMI over 30. Additionally, if you are planning to lose a big amount of weight, a tummy tuck is not ideal.

Plan And Research

  • Understand the Recovery Process:  While a mini-tummy tuck is less invasive and has a shorter period of recovery afterward, it does not provide as dramatic of results. You will likely have a tube inserted underneath your skin to allow fluids to drain away and will be expected to wear a compression garment to ensure that everything is healing the way it should. During the period of recovery, which can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, it is important to avoid lifting heavy objects or participating in rigorous activity.

  • Have a Pain Management Plan: While almost all patients experience at least some amount of discomfort after the procedure, some may find the recovery process more painful than others. It is important to prevent pain before it starts. One way to do this is to regularly participate in light physical activity, such as walking. Walking is a great way to reduce blood clots and get your circulation going. You should also avoid smoking, as it constricts blood flow to the area and makes the healing process much longer. Finally, do everything you can to avoid becoming constipated, as this will put more pressure on the healing abdominal muscles.

  • Take Proper Care of Your Incisions: Pay close attention to the instructions given to you after your procedure. You need to properly care for your incisions.  This will help you recover faster. Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions exactly. Make sure to change your bandages accordingly. Additionally, you should keep your incisions as clean as possible. Always be on the look for signs of infection, such as swelling, redness, warmth or pus from the incisions. If you experience any of these, call your doctor immediately.

Contact Us

A tummy tuck can do wonders for improving your overall self-esteem, so if you are considering this procedure, please contact us. Our team will be happy to discuss your options with you, so you will know if this is the right choice for you!
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