2019년 8월 16일 금요일

Rare Cancer Due To Breast Implant, No Confirmed Patients in Korea... Regular Examination is Important

Rare Cancer Due To Breast Implant, 
No Confirmed Patients in Korea... 
Regular Examination is Important

Breast augmentation with implant is the world's largest plastic surgery.
According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), breast augmentation is the surgery has been performed globally the most in 2016 and the demand of breast augmentation is increasing 
from 10.4% in 2014 to 15.8% in 2016.

Most breast augmentation surgeries have undergone 
technological advancements for safer and more natural results, however, 
careful approach is required because sometimes there are cases 
that cause problems due to external or internal factors of implants. 
Recently, there is a controversy over the use of certain manufacturers' implants, which are known to increase the likelihood of developing a rare cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Although cases have occurred mainly in Western countries such as the US, Canada, Europe and Australia, 
no confirmed cases have yet been reported in Asia including Korea. 

Anaplastic large cell lymphoma is a rare cancer associated 
with the immune system that is different from breast cancer. 
It usually occurs several years after implant implantation, 
symptoms are persistent swelling or pain near the breast implant. 
If you have any abnormal reactions such as swelling or lumps, 
you should get a breast exam. If it is diagnosed as abnormal 
after the examination, it is known that it will be cured by removing the implant and the capsules surrounding the implant.

In general, regular examinations are recommended 
when a breast augmentation surgery is performed in a medical institution 
that performs breast augmentation. 
Even simple diseases can be missed to be treated if examination is not taken. Because of this, it is important to have an annual mammogram and ultrasonography if you have implants in your breasts. 
Regular check-ups can examine problems that are not revealed and prevent problems in the future. In particular, breast ultrasound can diagnose early breast cancer and breast disease.

Breast implants don't have to be replaced every 10 years. 
Prostheses used in the past often required reoperation or replacement of implants due to implant rupture or capsular contracture. 
Recent implants are so sophisticated and strong that they won’t rupture for more than 10 years. However, over time, the possibility of damage can increase, so it is better to check the implants through regular breast examinations once or twice a year. If there is a breast surgery specialist and a radiologist 
in the hospital where you want to operate, you can check the condition of the breast through breast ultrasonography, and mammoth and biopsy can be an option if you need more detailed.

Kyunam Han, breast surgery specialist of Banobagi Plastic Surgery Clinic, 
said, "If an anaplastic large-cell lymphoma is found, it can be cured by removing the breast implants early, so detection in early stage of symptoms is important."

Dr. Han added "To do this, we need to select medical staff with multiple clinical experiences, and make sure that the hospital has specialized equipment and medical staff for breast screening."

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TEL: +82-02-522-6636
Whats App: +82-10-2216-6508

TEL: +82-02-522-6636
Whats App: +82-10-2273-6508
Line ID: banobagiid

댓글 1개:

  1. Amazing selection and expression of words on breast augmentation surgery, this is a very informative blog for anyone wishing to know about this subject. We appreciate your work here.
