2019년 9월 10일 화요일

Non-incisional Hair Transplantation, less scalp damage, return to daily activities the day after the procedure

Non-incisional Hair Transplantation,
less scalp damage,
return to daily activities
the day after the procedure

These days, there are a lot of misunderstanding regarding hair loss.
Hair loss refers to a condition in which there is no hair
in the area to be normally present.
When the hair appears to be thinner and thinner, it is called hair loss.
Koreans usually have 80,000 to 100,000 hairs, but 50 to 70 hairs fall out a day.
Hair loss does not necessarily mean hair loss.
However, if you miss more than 100 a day or wake up in the morning
and your hair falls on a pillow, you should suspect hair loss.
Let's solve this hair loss issue with
BANOBAGI Plastic Surgery Hair Transplant Clinic Dr. Lee Kyoungku.

Q: Why does hair loss occur?

Dr. Lee Kyoungku's Answer: There are various causes of hair loss. It is divided into genetic and environmental factors. Most of them are caused by genetic causes. Androgen, a male hormone, weakens and thins hair, causing hair to fall out. Environmental factors include stress and smoking, lack of sleep, and surgery. Not only heredity, but also excessive diet or immune dysfunction, hormonal imbalance due to childbirth or menopause has a significant effect on hair loss.

Q: How to treat hair loss?

Dr. Lee Kyoungku's Answer: There are two medically proven treatments for hair loss. Medication and hair transplantation. Masculine baldness is widely used for medications that are prescribed and applied. It is mainly used to treat hair loss in the early and middle stages. However, drug treatment is an effective way to prevent hair loss and preserve hair, so if you stop using it, hair loss will continues. Hair transplant is one of a good choice if you've been using hair loss medication for a long time but haven't see the benefit out of it. Hair transplantation is one of the most obvious treatments in the short term. It is important to think that hair transplantation is not the end of hair loss treatment, but the beginning. That means you have to keep it steady.

Q: What are the features of ARTAS Robot hair transplantation?

Dr. Lee Kyoungku's Answer: In other words, instead of humans, the robot accurately finds the direction and depth of the hair and makes the most of the hair follicles and transplants them to the hair loss site. It can be called a non-incision method using a robot. You can save half the hair more than you do manually. ARTAS Robotic hair transplantation can be done when the back of the head is hard and lost its elasticity, making it difficult to be done through incision. ARTAS robotic hair transplantation is also used when the amount of hair to be transplanted is high and dense or when the procedure is large due to the wide range of surgery.

Q: How long does recovery last after a hair transplant?

Dr. Lee Kyoungku's Answer: Easy to say, instead of humans, the robot accurately finds the direction and depth of the hair and makes the most of the hair follicles and transplants them to the hair loss site. It can be called a non-incision method using a robot. You can save half the hair more than you do. Atas robotic hair transplantation can be done when the back of the head is hard and lost its elasticitywhich making it difficult to get done through incision. ARTAS robotic hair transplantation is also used when the amount of hair to be transplanted is high and dense, or when the procedure is large due to the wide range of surgery.

Q: How long is the recovery period after hair transplant surgery?

Dr. Lee Kyoungku's Answer: incision method scars recovery period takes a long time, while non-incision method is not really. However, non-incision does not mean a shorter recovery period. Both incisions and non-incisions do not require hospitalization, and daily life is possible from the day after surgery. However, the incision method removes seams about two weeks after surgery, but the non-incision method does not need to remove the seams separately.

Q: DO we need to only get a hair transplant once?

Dr. Lee Kyoungku's Answer: transplanted hair is not affected by hair loss because it retains the inherent properties of the collected site. Well-grown hair lasts a lifetime. However, if the transplanted hair has a low engraftment rate or a large hair loss range, secondary surgery need to be performed. In addition, hair in areas not undergoing hair transplantation may undergo additional surgery since hair loss continues. The amount of hair you can transplant for a lifetime is limited. For this reason, it is safe to implant the necessary amount in the right place. It is also important to leave the hair you need for your first and second operations in case you're going to have hair loss in the future.

Q: Are there a lot of pain during hair transplant surgery?

Dr. Lee Kyoungku's Answer: It is very subjective. Anesthesia injections can be stingy and when anesthesia is in, you can not feel pain. After surgery, you will be taking medicine for a week. Since pain killer is also included insidce the medication, there is only a little pain after anesthesia.

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Line ID: banobagiid

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