2019년 5월 21일 화요일

‘Elastic Band Lifting’ that lift aged skin tissue up with a small incision

‘Elastic Band Lifting’
that lifts aged skin tissue up with a small incision



Introduction to Wrinkle Science by Dr. Jaesang Barn
When summer comes, there are many people who focus on making their body slimmer.
But the most important thing for summer is the face. 
Facial skin is sensitive to ultraviolet rays and fine dust and also easy to lose elasticity.
Therefore, a thorough anti-aging care is recommended around the summer.

the number of patients who are interested in anti-aging surgery for rejuvenation is increasing. When you get older, wrinkles are found all over your face and soft tissues 
get sagging down. Facial lifting procedures that increase skin elasticity 
and improve wrinkles are largely divided into 
① Laser lifting, ② Thread lifting, and ③ Incisional lifting. 
If sagging is not severe, sagging can be improved with laser lifting.
Especially laser lifting allows immediate return to daily activity and has low risk of scar.
However, if the skin sagging has progressed for a while, 
you should choose incisional lifting that incises a site of the skin.

Common incisional lifting surgery may have side effects 
due to large scar sites and large tissue desquamation. 
To reduce these disadvantages, the lifting procedure using 'elastic band' is introduced. 
By using special material called elastic band instead of thread 
which melts and loses tension by time, it is a new concept of incisional lifting procedure 
that pulls aged skin tissue with just a small incision. 
It has natural movement and elasticity like real ligaments with special elastic band.
Satisfaction is high because its lasting power is semi-permanent. 
The anti-aging procedure is not accomplished with one session. 
If you have solved the most severe part of your face in the first place, 
now laser or filler treatment to maintain the result is required. 
Ideally, anti-aging should be done well through the steps; 
'surgery – post-operative maintenance - home care'. 
It is essential to thoroughly block ultraviolet light 
while supplying enough moisture to the skin.

In addition, if you get ultrasonic laser lifting or stem cell treatment, 
you can keep the surgical effect longer and make a lively impression.

For more information :

TEL: +82-02-522-6636
Whats App: +82-10-2216-6508

TEL: +82-02-522-6636
Whats App: +82-10-2273-6508
Line ID: banobagiid

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