2018년 11월 29일 목요일

One time solution
for my asymmetrical face
through 'Facial Asymmetry' surgery!
(part  2)

Facial Asymmetry Solution 1

Facial asymmetries with incline chin to lips.

In the case of facial asymmetry where the upper and lower jaws position is skewed,
Two Jaw surgery can be performed to correct the angle of the upper jaw,
lower jaw and the malocclusion, so the jaw line is fitted to the face line center.

If the upper bone is a problem, Mandibular surgery is the answer!
If the lower bone is a problem, Maxillary Surgery is the answer!
If the upper and lower sides are crooked,
the asymmetric bones can be corrected with Two jaw surgery.

Facial Asymmetry Solution 2

Facial asymmetry with different sizes of cheekbones and jawbone.

If the center line of the face is right and the cheekbone or jawbone of one side
is bigger than the other side, the asymmetric face can be solved enough by
Face Contouring surgery such as Cheekbone reduction or Genioplasty.

Facial Asymmetry Solution 3

In case if Facial asymmetry caused by soft tissue, not bone.

If facial bones are not asymmetrical
and the cause of asymmetry is subcutaneous fat or muscle,
you can improve facial asymmetry with
fat grafting, liposuction, muscle contraction surgery (Botox).

Especially when the positions of the jawbone are different,
it affects the tooth as well and there is a lot of inconvenience
when chewing the food.

Facial contouring surgery or Two jaw surgery that resolves facial asymmetry
is now recognized as a facial cosmetic surgery,
but in fact the surgery was useful for the treatment of Protruded Mouth,
malocclusion due to mandibular jaw, jaw joint, etc ...
So you correct the function and improving the aesthetic side at the same time ^^
If you have severe facial asymmetry,
you may have a lot discomfort in your daily life.
Therefore, it has to be treated through surgery.

When you are not sure if it is severe or not
but you see twisted jaw line or asymmetrical every time you look in the mirror,
it’s recommendable to get some consultation from the Specialist
to find out the exact cause of your facial asymmetry and find a cure method. ^^

Original Article :


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TEL: +82-02-522-6636
Whats App: +82-10-2216-6508

TEL: +82-02-522-6636
Whats App: +82-10-2273-6508

Line ID: banobagiid

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