2017년 9월 8일 금요일

FAQ on Stem Cell Fat Graft

FAQ on Stem Cell Fat Graft

How long does it take to come back to daily life?

In case of hematopoietic stem cell,
it has a high survival rate and a little bit more swelling
compared to the general fat graft.
That makes you to prepare for unnatural look for about 2 weeks,
especially a lot on the day 1 to day 5.
Almost everyone would know something happened to you.
Injected spot in patches with blue bruise near eyes will be clearly visible.
Main swelling is decreased in a week and
remained swelling rolls down to the mouth area.
It’s hard to speak naturally then.

Day 1-5 :
So swelled that everyone would know.
Blue bruise.
Never touch the face to stimulate nor wash it.
The extracted area is a lot sore,
and there is pain whenever you move.

Day 6-8 :
Swelling is far decreased and subsides.
Bruise turns into yellow.
Uneven facial surface.
Minimize the facial touch with wet wipes to clean your face.
Dressing is on the day 7 after surgery.

Day 8-14 :
Swelling left is being smaller,
but yellow bruise is still visible.
However, you don’t have to worry much if you wear a make-up.

When could I wash my hair?
It’s differed by individuals,
but the clinic says to do after stitches out on the 7th day.
It’s itchy, but be patient!!

Is there any solution to enhance the survival rate?
Drinking and smoking are needed to be away for survival rate.
Smoking, especially, is told affecting survival rate a lot.
It’s more comfortable to sleep in a supine position.
I used to sleep curled up,
and it was really difficult to sleep straight.
It’s recommended touching the face as less as possible.

Do I need to get fat grafting twice?
Is it necessary?

You should progress the second try
considering your survival rate.
It would be good to have consultation with the doctor on 3-month checkup.
There is no need of the second fat grafting
if you are satisfied with the result.


Is there any scar on the fat extracted area?

The doctor recommended extracting fat
from the abdomen area than from inner thighs
to make scars less visible.
Fat extraction would be progressed on the navel part,
and scar wouldn’t be easily seen
since the navel part is wrinkled.

Isn’t there any spot remained after fat grafting?

It depends on skin conditions.
Someone gets a tiny scar near the lips and above the eyebrows.
However, the other gets no scar at all.
You should care it considering your skin type.

Will there be irritation feeling on face?

It would be resolved as time goes.
Irritation would be felt for a month when smiling.
It settles down gradually and brings less irritation.
However, rubbing or pinching the face should be refrained!

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