2017년 3월 2일 목요일

Banobagi’s Beauty Tip: Foods for Fat-Burning & Anti-Aging

Banobagi’s Beauty Tip:

Foods for Fat-Burning & Anti-Aging

Early aging of people in thirties these days, 
foods that are effective for fat-burning and anti-aging is 
getting popular and acknowledged.

The main cause of obesity is an excessive accumulation of fat in the body, 
high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and many kinds of adult illnesses.

Here are foods that have anti-aging effect and 
eliminating body fat for your health.

01/ Sweet Potato

 Sweet potatoes have the ability to control the blood sugar, 
good for preventing heart disease, 
beneficial for eyesight and anti-aging effect.

Sweet potato has 128kcal per 100g, 
with a resistant starch that drives hunger away.

Resistant starch has an effect that allows you to eat less 
about 320 calories a day less with a feeling of fullness for up to 24 hours.

02/ Green Tea

Green tea has the effect of fat-burning on 
especially abdomen area.

The active compounds in green tea makes your metabolism EGCG (Epigallocated gallate) Also, research shows that by drinking four cups of green tea a day 
can reduce more than 2.7kg of weight.

03/ Berries

Berries such as blueberries and raspberries contain 
abundance of water content and dietary fiber.

Good for losing weight and makes feel full for a long time. 
It also contains a lot of antioxidant system that helps prevent aging and body damaging.

Instead of eating sweets like cookies or candies, 
try berries because they are sweet and prevents the accumulation of bad fats.

04/ Nuts

Nuts are best instead of snacks.
Nuts contain protein and dietary fiber, and good fats that are beneficial for the heart.

Walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, and other nuts 
can reduces cholesterol levels, and weight,.

05/ Hot Pepper

Hot peppers contain capsaicin which warm up the body to burn calories.
Pepper can be cooked, dried, and eat during meal, with soup, 
and spicy seasonings on meat, dishes and more.

6/ Coffee

Coffee promotes metabolism to help in weight loss.

Remember to avoid coffee with a lot of cream and sugar 
because they can increase the calories.

7/ Oil & Vinegar

Having salad with oil and vinegar are recommended 
because it is effective in fat-burning.

Vinegar helps the body to burn fat by itself and it has no calories, 
but does add the flavor in food.

8/ Grapefruit, Watermelon, apple, and Pear

Grapefruit makes you feel full 
because it contains water-soluble dietary fiber.

Watermelon contains vitamin A and C, and lycopene, 
which is good for antioxidant and providing satiety.

Also, apples and pears contain a lot of water content and fiber.

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