2017년 8월 4일 금요일

How About Fat Grafting on Breast Instead of Implants?

How About Fat Grafting on Breast
Instead of Implants?

Most people on a diet are stressed.
The reason is that even the fat on breast gets lost!
We become the happiest people in the world
when waist has empty space on trousers,
but depressed again with another space on breast.
It’s easier to have smaller breast but hard to get it bigger!!
People interested in breast augmentation get to know
there’s an another way to make the breast bigger;
Autologous fat grafting.

Autologous fat grafting is to extract body fat and transplant to oneself in other place.
Then we can not only lose weight but get bigger breast!
There’s no need to suffer from pain like breast surgery using implants,
and also we recover fast
since it’s just injecting fat through shots, not having surgery.
Actually, it’s scary to have breast surgery thinking that we have difficulty standing up or lying down for about 3 days…
Autologous fat grafting is great in terms of worries of surgery.
However, we’ve never seen a review of autologous fat grafting on breast!
What’s the reason?
There must be reason why people don’t get fat grafting on their breast for enlargement!
Let’s learn about that ‘reason’.


No matter which area we get autologous fat grafting,
the biggest merit is that there’s less irritation or side effects because it uses our own fat.
People repulsed by implant surgery are relieved
in respect that the fat is originally theirs.


There’s no need of massage in case of textured implant insertion,
but smooth implants needs it which is a little painful.

We don’t need to think of these pains
when with autologous fat grafting.

Operation takes about 2 to 3 hours
since fat is extracted from the body, refines it, and injects it through shots.
It goes with general anesthesia as same as implant insertion surgery.
Due to the characteristics of fat grafting,
certain amount of fat is absorbed to the body.
That’s why there’s no such big difference
after autologous fat grafting.


Moreover, it injects through shots
so it’s really difficult to put fat equally and in balance.
It means, there’s difficulty of having ideal breast shape
just through fat grafting on breast.
Furthermore, the fact shot needle is stuck several times
may make the chance of inflammation higher!


All sorts of surgery have merits and demerits.
Autologous fat grafting is for people
who already have certain degree of volume
but want some more on upper pole or other parts,
than who want theirs to be B or C from A cup size.

People, who want their breast much bigger,
would rather choose breast implants surgery
 than autologous fat grafting
which gives little effects on size up.

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