2019년 3월 13일 수요일

Always feeling tired even after sleeping enough... Breathing problem in sleep?

 Always feeling tired even after sleeping enough... Breathing problem in sleep?

Sleeping is closely related to human health as people say ‘sleeping is a remedy’. 
However, it is important to sleep healthy than just sleeping. 
Many of expertise say “The importance of deep sleep is getting more significant 
to relieve stress and strengthen immune systems 
since modern people tend to miss the timing to release their stress.

Dr. Chang Hyun Oh from BANOBAGI Plastic Surgery Hospital said 
“Even though sleeping well and enough is important, a person still may not feel refreshed after sleeping well due to sleep apnea and severe snoring caused by misaligned jaws. 
Then, a treatment to correct the back-warded jaw for respiratory tract expansion is needed.”

Healthy sleep is decided by proper breathe.

7~8 hours is recommended sleeping hours which doesn’t affect daily activities. 
However, the number of people who cannot fall asleep well 
due to working overtime and stress are getting increased. 
Health Insurance Review and Evaluation Center indicated that the number of patient 
who were diagnosed as sleeping disorder was 510,000 in 2017 
which was 13% increased number than in 2015.

Sleeping disorder is a sleeping related disorder that makes it difficult for someone 
to have healthy sleep. The quality of sleep is closely related with proper breathing. 
Securing the respiratory tract is significant to breathe right.

However, it causes breathing disorder if a chin is receded. 
It is because of respiratory tract cannot be secured due to misaligned teeth. 
When the respiratory tract is narrowed, 
it causes sleep apnea and mouth breathing instead of nose breathing.

A sleep apnea means when it continues more than 10 seconds without breathing in sleep. 
If this continues, it may cause shortage of oxygen supply. 
A sleep apnea needs to be treated in an early stage due to its side effects 
such as rhinitis and bronchitis which lower the quality of life.

★ Mouth breathing causes facial asymmetry.

Sleeping disorder causes not only side effects but also busy brain and hypomnesia 
which bother daily activities. It is recommended to correct the misaligned teeth 
due to recede chin to properly breathe.
Also, mouth breathing may become a habit when someone keeps having difficulty 
to breathe through nose due to the narrow respiratory tract. 
A two jaw surgery needs to be considered to move the recede chin forward 
for it to function properly.

It is not the only problem coming along with mouth breathing. 
It can even lead to facial asymmetry due to the impact of muscles around the mouth
including tongue when it gets worse. It modifies its shape when mouth keeps being open 
for a long time because face may lean to one side.

It can affect digesting and chewing functions 
when the jaw is bent out of shape and also self-confidence 
because the person cannot give a positive impression in interpersonal relationship. 
So, two jaw surgery is focused on functional recovery with aesthetic effect. 

For more information :

TEL: +82-02-522-6636
Whats App: +82-10-2216-6508

TEL: +82-02-522-6636
Whats App: +82-10-2273-6508
Line ID: banobagiid

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